Terms of Service

Before you proceed to ILIAS you accept the following Terms of Service.

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1. ILIAS learning platform

  1. ILIAS (Integrated Learning, Information and Work Cooperation System) is a Open source learning platform to support teaching and learning. The software development is supported by the ILIAS Open Source e.V. coordinated. The operation of the software is subject to the General Public Licence (GPL) (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
  2. The FH Aachen offers its students learning materials on the ILIAS learning platform for the exclusive personal use only.
  3. If you have any questions regarding this agreement, please contact with the elearning Services team ( elearning@fh-aachen.de).
  4. In the following the ILIAS platform of the FH Aachen will only be called ILIAS.

2. about this agreement

  1. The FH Aachen is entitled to modify any section of this agreement at any time. change. Changes come into effect as soon as they have been published on ILIAS. By your continued use of the ILIAS offer you agree to the amended agreement and are bound by the provisions of the amended agreement.
  2. The FH Aachen can change parts or certain functions of the offer at any time or override it. Accordingly, the use of and access to the ILIAS offers and the The duration and scope of use may be limited at any time. However, we are anxious to reduce downtimes as far as possible. short and ensure that all functions are available at all times.
  3. In addition to this agreement, the current Network regulations of the FH Aachen.

3. registration and access code

  1. Registration is not possible on the ILIAS platform of FH Aachen.
  2. Only members of the FH Aachen and invited guests are allowed to take part in offers of the service, for which a login is required. The generation of accesses is exclusively via the IDM system.
  3. By using the ILIAS offer under the conditions of this agreement assure the FH Aachen that you will not disclose your access identification and password to anyone.
  4. You are responsible for any use of the ILIAS offer that is made with the help of of your access code and password is executed. You must ensure that your access code and your password are protected against unauthorized use. If you have made an improper If you notice or suspect that your access data are being used, you undertake to inform the data processing centre (DVZ) immediately.

4. end of the usage authorisation

  1. The right to use ILIAS and the right to use the ILIAS materials will expire when you leave the FH Aachen.
  2. The FH Aachen can restrict access to the ILIAS materials in parts or completely or terminate your right of use if the ILIAS materials (by you or by anyone else) are used in a way that others who have access to ILIAS under your access code and password) in a way that is not permitted by the law, which the FH Aachen is responsible for a violation of this agreement or which otherwise leads to a damage to the FH Aachen.
  3. The FH Aachen may cancel ILIAS accounts that have not been used for more than 6 months. because it is assumed that these ILIAS accounts are no longer used.
  4. The data processing centre of the FH Aachen may block accounts if you are prevented from accessing them by the use via these accesses poses a threat to the overall operation.

5. authors

  1. Authors are all those who publish materials on the platform. provide (e.g. files etc.) or are involved in their creation (e.g. wikis, forums, learning modules, etherpads etc.). Independent of these profile settings, other users of the objects may see their clear name.

5.1 Copyrights

  1. With this agreement, you expressly acknowledge that the services offered of the FH Aachen contains information, texts, software, pictures, videos, graphics, sound documents and other materials, which are protected by copyright, trademark or patent rights and that the copyright and exploitation rights belong exclusively to the FH Aachen or its licensors.
  2. Teachers are obliged to ensure that they are entitled to use the information they have provided to the respective user group.
  3. When posting pictures, the rights of the persons concerned must also be taken into account.

5.2 Privacy policy

  1. For each web page of the controller must have a privacy statement, which covers the processing of personal data in the sense of the EU-DSGVO. For  ILIAS the Data protection declaration by the DVZ. For this purpose, it is necessary that you inform personal data is collected and processed by ILIAS, e.g. if you receive additional information from your course participants enter further personal data in addition to the data stored in the system About these processing operations the DVZ must be informed so that it can provide information about this in the data protection declaration.

5.3 Documentation obligation according to EU-DSGVO

  1. For each website, the controller must include an entry in his list of processing activities in accordance with the EU-DSGVO. For ILIAS the directory entry is created centrally by the DVZ.
  2. For new procedures with personal reference initiated from within ILIAS, authors and Authors as subject responsible persons make the directory entry. A corresponding form is provided by the data protection officer in the download area of the central website of the FH.

6. external offers in ILIAS as well as references and links to external sites

  1. Via the central ILIAS administration external content (e.g. online applications) in the form of ILIAS objects can be provided. In order to use the functionality of external offers, data must be exchanged. Personal data (except for the transfer of necessary data such as IP address) is collected and processed by the ILIAS interface anonymised and only assigned to the users in ILIAS (results, learning progress). Users of external Content agrees to the exchange of data with external providers. Provided that the terms of use are accepted If you have to do this, this will be indicated during use.
  2. The object "external content" can be edited by ILIAS authors with the appropriate rights on their own responsibility in ILIAS can be created. The external contents are to be marked by the authors* and, if applicable, to the passing on of data and any necessary terms of use. Users* accept the terms and conditions set out by the external contents are given.
  3. For direct or indirect references to external Internet pages ("links"), which are outside the area of responsibility of the of the author, a liability obligation would only come into force in the event that the author of knowledge of the contents and it would be technically possible and reasonable for him to prevent the use in case of illegal contents. to prevent it. The author therefore expressly declares that at the time of setting the links the corresponding linked websites were pages were free of illegal contents. The author has no influence whatsoever on the current and future design, content or authorship of the and to the contents of the linked/connected pages. Therefore he dissociates himself hereby expressly from all Contents of all linked/connected pages that were changed after the link was set. This statement applies for all links and references set within ILIAS as well as for external entries in the web pages set up by the author Guest books, discussion forums and mailing lists.
  4. For illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents and especially for damages resulting from the use or the use of such information, the provider of the site to which the link leads is solely liable for the not the one who merely refers to the respective publication via links.

7. use of information and materials

  1. The granted right of use of the contents of the ILIAS installation is not transferable and is granted to you alone. You are entitled to use the materials ILIAS, to use, display, reformat, download and print them. This Rights apply only for personal and non-commercial use.
  2. You commit yourself not to reproduce ILIAS materials for other purposes, to use, sell, transfer, publish or otherwise make available
  3. On an occasional and irregular basis you are allowed to use small parts of the ILIAS materials in seminar papers, presentations and articles, provided that the provisions of copyright law are observed.
  4. The above permission does not include posting to newsgroups, mailing lists, electronic bulletin boards or other electronic distribution channels outside the ILIAS environment.
  5. If you use ILIAS materials for other purposes than those listed here please contact the respective authors.

8. learning progress

  1. All the services you provide via the system (completed learning modules, Results of tests, submitted exercises etc. ), are only used, if at all, for the respective made available to the responsible teachers.
  2. Whether a so-called learning progress is recorded or the data is anonymised immediately, is defined by the creator of the learning object.
  3. The data will be stored at the latest 6 months after your departure from the university deleted.

9. participation in content

  1. Participation in collaborative elements such as wikis and forums, are usually only accessible to a group defined by the respective teachers.
  2. A correct and neutral expression towards other students and Teaching is compulsory.
  3. Your user data will be deleted at the latest 6 months after your departure from University anonymous.

10. warranty and product liability

  1. The ILIAS services, information and materials are provided on the basis of "as-is and "as-available" offered.
  2. You expressly agree that the use of the ILIAS materials on at your own risk. The FH Aachen does not assume any guarantee, except in the case of intentional and grossly negligent action that the program functions meet the requirements of the user or cooperate in the choices he makes.

11. data protection

  1. Personal data such as name, first name, user name or e-mail address will be stored by the central LDAP system of the FH to the ILIAS installation and cannot be changed locally by the user will be. Free fields can be filled in by the users themselves if desired.
  2. If users do not share their profile with other users themselves, only administrators of the learning objects used have access to the necessary data (principle: so as little as possible, as much as necessary).

Further information can be found in the data protection declaration.

12. announcements

  1. ILIAS software uses e-mail, postings in the Area of the ILIAS offer or other digital media. Announcements by the FH Aachen are valid from a Day of the week on which sufficient efforts were made to reach you. You can use the eLearning team of the FH Aachen as described in paragraph 1.

13. legal validity

  1. If sections or individual terms of this statement are not legal or correct not, no longer or not completely correspond, the remaining parts of the document remain unchanged. are unaffected in their content and validity.